Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I took this photo in Key Largo at Shell World.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009


The flower photos were taken with my 105mm, f2.8 lens and the birds and dragonfly were taken with my 70 - 300mm lens. All photos were taken at Flamingo Gardens.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Today's photos were taken at Butterfly World. I used my 105mm close-up lens for the butterflies and my 70 - 300mm lens for the bird photos. I did some cropping, adjusted lighting, and did some sharpening in Photoshop Elements.

Friday, June 12, 2009


I found these two old Hudson's in a field a few months ago. I did not have my camera with me then but knew I needed to go back to get some photos. Maybe someone will restore these classics.


The photo of the airboats was taken about 9pm, 45 minutes past sunset. I used ISO 400, f8, and a shutter speed of 8 seconds.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009


I went for a motorcycle ride up the beach and saw a fisherman catching bait. The photo of the fisherman throwing the cast net was taken with my 18 - 70 lens, 1/640 sec., f/8. I also bumped my ISO up to 400 and shot with a polarizing lens. The lifeguard stand was taken a 1/400 sec., f/8, ISO 400 and I used the polarizing lens.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


These photos were taken in Flamingo. The last photo is of three dolphin that were circling bait to eat. You can see one of the bait jumping just above the dolphin. The photos were also taken with my back-up camera, a Nikon D70s and my 70 - 300mm lens. I used a polarizing lens to reduce glare and reflections.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is a photograph of an antique bottle that was converted into a lamp. The technique I used to photograph this is called "Painting With Light". Basically you take the photo in complete darkness and use a flashlight to light up various parts of the subject. My camera settings were: f 32 and a shutter speed of 8 seconds.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009


These are photos of oil in water. You start out with a clear glass baking dish raised above the floor about 6". On the floor you place something colorfull. I used different pieces of paper. I then take some lights and only light up the paper, so most light is reflecting up. The camera is set up on a tripod shooting straight down. Get as close as you can, my lens allows me to be about 1' away. Use a low F-Stop number, and meter. Set your White Balance on auto. Pre-focus and then turn off the auto focus. Shoot away. I end up taking lots of photos to get just a couple of shots. To give you an idea, these two photos took about 2 hours and I took about 180 shots.